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Taken 3-Sep-11
Visitors 650

5 of 39 photos
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Dimensions6063 x 3600
Original file size8.7 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
Date modified3-Sep-11 13:10
56-Battalion in Line, USS Juniata

56-Battalion in Line, USS Juniata

The deck log of the Juniata beginning 6 May 1883, lists P. F. Harrington as Commander. The list of officers on board includes Asa M. Mattice, P. Asst. Engineer. Also listed is “H. H. Colson, 1st Lieut., USMC, Marines on Board: 4 non-commissioned, 1 drummer, 20 privates.” A notation on the envelope containing the Mattice negative appears to identify the figures on the bridge as Dr. Woods, (Ichabod) Hobbs (Paymaster), Mattice, and (Richard) Mitchell.